Witnessing the Unexpected

Surprised In: Ohio, Florida and North Carolina

by Reverend Ronald O. Brauer, M.Div.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/5/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781438967257

About the Book

Title: Witnessing The Unexpected by Rev. Ron Brauer,M.Div.

Included are memorable reflections starting with WWII, eye-witness accounts of Pete Rose's first at bat, Eddie Sachs' fatality in the Indy 500, JFK's initial assasination A.P. wire account, legal and illegal drag racing, ROTC and Coast Guard misadventures(how a hung man disappeared),  surviving four years of seminary amidst a genteel poverty environment, conducting a wedding while standing in a small boat, teaching Ethics to convicts, tricks to census-taking, rebuilding a classic car for under $10,000 and much more.  This is a conviluted 68-year journey through 25 jobs in three states.

About the Author

I am a retired ordained Presbyterian minister who resided 20 years: in Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina.  My writing developed majoring in American History, then as a newspaper reporter, then writing weekly sermons for 24 years.  I have traveled in 46 states and eleven foreign countries.  My auto racing and antique car rebuilding hobbies overlap.  I have met memorable people who have impacted my life in my various travels and vocations. I believe truth is stranger than fiction and so I present these true accounts of actual happenings I experienced in my lifetime.