We All Came From Borderlands

Unresolved Premillennial Issues and the Dream of Peace

by LaClaire Mitchell Nzerem



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/9/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781438936383

About the Book

This book represents a continuum of creative thoughts and ideas which began after the study of 20th century American Poets with Professor Gary Gildner at Drake University in 1977, and continued as an independent study project with Dr. Tom Swiss. These poems cover many issues I have explored during that time period from nature and beyond. The poems also touch on some social issues concerning the problem of slavery, war, living in a multicultural relationship, and the idea of not just tolerating your neighbor who is different, but truly forgiving each other for any misundertandings, moving to embracing each other and going forward as a nation, to leave a positive legacy for our children.

In this light the book ends with a poem "Premillenial Resolutions Resolved: Barack Obama President" , eluding to the hope that we as a people all come together in unity, to really start thinking  of each other in terms of  our being  "Americans" all originating from other places with different customs and traditions passed down to us; stories of our own family's courageous beginnings and sacrifices, creating what we are today. Stories that must be passed, on respected and not ridiculed because of those diverse customs, ideosyncracies, or cultural norms.

About the Author

I have been writing poetry since high school during the '70s  when every creative writing teacher in the country encouraged students to read  from poets who represented making a difference in society. Among those were Audre Lorde, Nikki Giovanni, Langston Hughes, E.E. Cummings, Don L. Lee, and Amari Baraka to name a few. During that time our high school (Des Moines Tech, Iowa )was very proactive about implementing literature into all cirriculumns; for example, our Black History teacher Mr. Phillip Wiggins encouraged us to read not only our stories, but those of Tolstoy, Aristotle, Frantz Fannon and the works of others to give us a well rounded world view, encouraging us to learn to think. I have long been encouraged by my mentor Dr. Zenobia White, and the works of my teachers, Gary Gildner and Dr. Tom Swiss. I have had poetry published in The Iowa Bystander, Saginaw Editorial, Poets Anthology"Threshold of A Dream, 1989, Review Magazine, 1990,  recieved best rhyming poem award from Writers' Digest for "The Prodigals Were Taken", and many others, as well as had an essay published in Philadelphia Jubilee Magazine . I have written 3 unpublished books of poetry which I have revised and incorporated into this book and recently published "Doppelganger In a Hightech World" , a book of poetry at LuLu.com.

I am a free- lanced journalist who graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and English in 1979 from Drake University, in Des Moines, Iowa.