A Silent Cry

A Cry in the Land

by Ra'Shay W. Garrett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/8/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781449037185

About the Book

“A Silent Cry” is a book on real life issues that people has faced and challenges that were presented. Day by day people live their lives not really seeing or hearing the Cry in the Land. One day my eyes were opened and my heart poured out and I was able to discern the cry of the people. Whether it was youth acting out, going to prison, disrespecting their parents, failing in school or adults running from responsibility and accountability. I discovered that there was hidden pain and realized the pain was deeply rooted. In order to face these issues there has to be closure to rebuild. Maybe you were abandoned, molested, neglected or battling with low-self esteem you are still somebody. God turns situations that look impossible around. Through reading this book you will be introduced to youth as well as adult struggles and how through it all they made it over and are pressing forward to reach their goals. No matter the struggle, no matter what it looks like YOU can make it. The purpose of this book is for someone to realize that whatever obstacles that is in your life or situations you have faced, you have options, Ask, Seek and Knock then Believe, Receive and Achieve. The battle is not giving to the swift nor to the strong but to those that endure to the end. This battle is not yours it is the Lord’s. Don’t look back…I know you can make it….. I am rooting for you… You have fought a good fight of faith now hold on to eternal life with everything you have.

About the Author

Ra’Shay was born to the parents of Elder Thomas Lindsey Sr. and First Lady Loretta Lindsey. Ra’Shay has an identical twin name Renee Wilson a woman of God in her own right. She also has an older sister, 1 older brother and 4 younger brothers. Ra’Shay is married to Loren Garrett for seven Amazing, Wonderful, Pleasant, Prosperous years. She has two beautiful daughters name La’Taejah & Fredisha whom she loves dearly. Ra’Shay attends God’s Way Deliverance Miracle Temple where the founder is Apostle Michael E. Calloway and Leading Lady Annette Calloway. She received her Elder’s License October 2006. She serves as the Youth Pastor at her church. She loves the Lord and believes in the raw word of God, with no compromising. She believes that we as a people MUST Cry Loud and spare NOT. Ra’Shay is the Executive Director over the Ministry of Praise where this program has been pushed and birthed out through the prayers and support of Apostle and Lady Calloway. She is a Certified Mentor and was recognized by the Times Herald servicing over 78 children and 39 families in her 1st year of service. MOP was recognized 2008 in the Daily Republic, Making Dreams A Reality for a single mom with 5 children whom was struggling to give her children a Christmas after coming out of a shelter. MOP program gives back to our community a chance at what life has to offer, pushing them to their purpose in life. The program consists of Mentoring, Education, Summer Camp, Career Development, Life Skills, Independent Living, Childcare & Prison Ministry. Her endeavor is to build the Kingdom. According to Luke 14:23; Then the master said to the servant, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”