Who Are You?
5 Ways To Find Out
Book Details
About the Book
Who are you is a book of information to assist one in knowing the grass roots of their
It also gives several examples of the author’s life story.
The poems included connects with each point in order to further express the inner experiences of one’s thoughts.
Who are your parents, Grandparents, Siblings?
What happened during your elementary, middle and high school years?
Your college days and the career that you choose has a lot to do with who you are.
Who did you marry? Or who will you marry? Think about why you chose them.
Has there been deaths in your family or among your close friends? How did you handle it?
What is your dream house? What is your fad in clothing? Are you particular about your make-up and hairdo?
This book will serve to answer many of your questions about who you are. Author Annie Jackson will help to direct your attention to areas that will assist you gently.
About the Author
Annie B. Jackson loves to help others to live a
Peaceful and uncomplicated life. Annie’s
Interest grew when she and her husband,
Elijah began a homeless shelter in Palatka,
Annie and her husband traveled often seeking
Ways to support the homeless. Both of them
Are pastors of a small church and have been
Married twenty years.
They have six children and eleven grand-
Children as well as three great-grandchildren.
In her spare time, Annie likes to read and
Write. She also likes to have fun with the
Annie has written several articles, stories,
Published Poems, play scripts, and booklets.
She has traveled to many conferences, work-
Shops and seminars on education, religion
And homeless.