Moments In Time

Poems of Love, Inspiration and Adversity

by Bernice W. Wilson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/18/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781438948171

About the Book

I feel that each reader of "Moments In Time" will connect with my words in some special manner. You will find inspiration and even strength during times of adversity.  You will relate to feelings of love; perhaps see beauty in things that have never been apparent before.  I hope you will find words to inspire whatever mood you may encounter. 

About the Author

I  began expressing my feelings with pencil and paper at an early age.  In various ways my writing has allowed me to discover many things about myself.  It has given me inspiration and strength countless times, and filled many voids.


As an adult,  my writing has been published in various anthologies.  I am a member of The National Authors Registry, certified by Iliad Press.  I am a Lifetime Member of The International Society of Poets and elected into The International Poetry Hall of Fame.