The Book of Knowledge
Book Details
About the Book
'The Book Of Knowledge' is the fruit of the early meditation life of Gurudev Veervasantha. A mere glance at the verses might denote seeming duplication of information , yet each verses stands on its own, deeply anchored and houses shades of differences which clarify meaning rather than contradict or confuse.
This humble token unfolds and reveals to the world an unfathomable treasure of invaluable worth. Specifies relate to the Created and the Uncreated Abodes and this 'State' and the other 'States of the Self(God)'.
The book, in fact,offers readers the possibility of having a bird's eye view of the teachings of Gurudev Veervasantha when he speaks of 'Limitations and the Unlimited' an area which only the daring, the wise and the illumined can discourse on.
So crystal clear is the message,and the instructions so precise that any individual, in quest of Truth(God), can readily experiment, introspect and discover the manifold, marvellous and mysterious forms and ways of God.
About the Author
Gurudev Veervasantha,Vengdasalum Samynaden,on the temporal plane,was born on 5th November 1913 and attained mahasamadhi(left the mortal coil)on 1st April 1980.
With only primary level schooling,he succeeded in joining the teaching profession, and honourably performed, with breaks,on both voluntary and salary bases,until he retired from public service at the age of 60.
However,he was approximately 20 when his spiritual peregrination took off.His life was an epitome of heart and soul dedication to prayer,penance and meditation.Even more astounding is the fact that he never virtually had a spiritual preceptor to initiate as per principled canons, guide,scaffold and monitor his spiritual progression.He taught and preached the principles and gems of spirituality to all and sundry sheltering at his Lotus Feet.The precious reaching unravelled and brought to light hitherto unexplored, unheard of domains and truths.His message crosses and permeates all frontiers and is unprecedented.
Indeed his very life mirrors the ascent of a mortal from dust to the celestial abode where he resides eternally,undisturbed by the bonds of materialistic constraints.
The rich mine of spiritual wealth unfolded by Gurudev assumes dimensions that are potentially capable of soaring to the pinnacle.It is incredible in a single lifetime to apprehend the content Gurudev has left us a legacy for the whole of humanity.