Stories From the Good Way

by Gene Dumas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/29/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 524
ISBN : 9781438983370

About the Book

I believe that there are two major factors that  contribute to make us the individuals that we become.  The first is genetics; we have no control over that.  The second, being the sum total of all of the things that we experience, is ongoing and continues with us throughout our lives.  It is our life experiences that help to mold us into the persons that we ultimately become.  Those experiences comprise the stories of our lives and I have learned that they are well worth sharing with others.


In this book you will read about many of those experiences that have impacted my life and the lives of other people that I have known. I am truly convinced that if we will make it a point to learn from our past experiences, then we are destined to live a much fuller and enriching life.

About the Author

The author was born in Burlington, Vermont in the year of our Lord 1939. Being the fourth child and only boy in a family of seven children, he was completely surrounded by women.


His stepfather worked for the Vermont spool And Bobbin Co. and Gene can remember him bringing home a weekly paycheck of $40 on which he supported a family of nine. The country was just emerging from the Great Depression of the 30’s and the family was grateful that, most of the time, there was food on the table.


When he was ten years old the author moved to a rural area where his father took a job as a hired farmhand. Neither his father or mother ever possessed a driver’s license and consequently, the family was pretty isolated. With no television, the radio became Gene’s solace and he learned to love the country music that filled the barn at chore time. His mother also sang the old favorites and wrote her own poetry which served as an inspiration to Gene.


The author’s father and mother split up when he was twelve years old and with his two youngest sisters, Gene was placed in a children’s home. During his High School years, Gene bounced from one foster home to another and after graduation, he spent four years in the United States Air force where he served three years in Japan, Hawaii, Okinawa, and the South Pacific.


It was while he was in tech-school, studying to be an aircraft engine mechanic, that Gene met a man named Frank Butler, one of his instructors, who taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ; Gene was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins and added to the Lord’s church just before he left that base to go home to Vermont for 40 days and 40 nights, after which time he flew to Japan where he served out his enlistment. It was there, in that far-away place, that the author learned to lead a public prayer, lead the congregation in song, teach Bible classes, and preach a gospel sermon.


Upon being discharged from the Air Force, the author enrolled at Florida Christian college, in Temple Terrace, Florida and studied Bible and speech, among other things, for a year before returning home to Vermont where he secured a position with Lear Aircraft. It was during that time in his life that Gene met Linda Cota and they were married in 1966 while Gene was pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree with a major in History, a minor in Speech, and eventually a Master’s degree in Education at the University of Vermont.


For the next thirty-two years, the author taught Social Studies in the Vermont Public School system, during which time he has been fortunate enough to travel extensively around the globe. Although he is now retired, Gene still has that wander-lust and recently Linda and he returned from exploring Finland, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The author has now traveled to all 50 states and he has been on all 7 continents. Next summer, his twin grandsons, Tony and Joshua, will graduate from High School and for a graduation present, they will be traveling to Italy, where they plan to visit the Roman Coleseum, the catacombs, Venice, Florance, and the ancient city of Pompeii.


A faithful servant of the Lord for the past half century, Gene continues to work with small churches of Christ around the world, holding meetings on Bible History, Archaeology, and prophecy while sharing his knowledge and resources whenever he is called.


The author currently lives with his wife near Cross City, Florida where he enjoys being with his son, J.R., his daughter, Jessica, and his three grandchildren, Josh, Tony, and Lacey.