
A Terri Springe Culinary Mystery (with recipes)

by S. Kay Weber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/4/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781449006532
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781449006525

About the Book

Terri, Angie, Brianna, and Terri's mother, Emily, are in Door County, Wisconsin for a long-awaited vacation and the wedding of Terri's beloved cousin, Courtney Robertson. Their two weeks of rest and relaxation have barely started however when, while visiting the Cana Island Lighthouse, Terri hears and sees, a violent argument between two men. One of the men looks frighteningly familier and the other quickly turns out to be right under Terri's nose. Despite Angie's determination, 'not to get involved', they are both forced to investigate, or face a situation that could ruin the upcoming wedding and tear the Robertson family apart. Terri has also commited herself to plan and prepare, an elaborate rehearsal dinner for twelve guests. The champagne flows and all goes well but in the back of her mind, Terri is forming a plan to find out just exactly what's going on in beautiful Door County and hope their vacation and the wedding can go off without a hitch and without a body count!

About the Author

The author lives on a beautiful farm in the Midwest with her husband, three children, one dog named Logan, and many friendly kitties. She has had many years of restaurant experience and is a librarian. Add the love of mysteries, love of cooking and food together, and she enjoys writing culinary mysteries that anyone can enjoy. She is currently busy writing her fourth book in the Terri Springe culinary mystery series.