All About Addiction

by Ann Vitori R.N., Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781438968391

About the Book

"All about Addiction" refers to many different types of addictions. The approaches, emotional upsets and power in fighting addictions are addressed.
There are many controversies regarding the causes of addiction, such as genetics, illness, lack of will power, weakness, poverty and social personalities. Pleasure is a very strong motivator for addiction. There is much controversy regarding causes of addiction by the experts. However, each case must be taken on individual bases. Addiction is very powerful, used when you are unhappy or bored, because you turn toward addiction for pleasure, security and gratification. It is changeable, and you can escape it by changing your attitudes and behavior. You can seek help from traditional rehab treatments, twelve-step programs, help from supports groups, family, and your own values. What is more important to you? Being in control or giving in to your desires.
Values influence your ability to fight for what you believe in and care about. People with values are in control at all times. If you are concerned about your family, you will not allow yourself to be out of control with drugs or alcohol. Values are the key to escaping addiction. Some people have achieved great self control, or are strong minded, others are weak, and need support of rehab, friends and family. You change when you want to change, and not before you are ready.
Motivation cannot be forced on people. You may not be in the right place or right time to change. The addict must distinguish why they rely on addictions. Most people find drugs and alcohol less attractive and less important than making a living, supporting a family and maintaining a position in society. Others may not have reached this point. They may be procrastinating or waiting for a traumatic event. Waiting for a change can have serious drawbacks and may be too late. Thinking you can control your addiction and stop anytime you want may be an illusion.
Once under the influence, you make poor decisions. This leads to divorce, legal problems, difficulties doing you work, health problems, financial problems, and low self-esteem.

About the Author

Born and raised in Pittsburgh Pa., married, raised three children, involved in community activities, moved to Long Island, New York, continued all the community activities, plus added V.P. of the PTA, instructor with American Heart Asso. , and American Red Cross, volunteer as a CPR and first aid instructor to my community activities. While in New York, completed education, taking classes part time, evenings, summers, weekends, when ever I could. As a mother, my priorities were raising my family. My children came first, and I attended my classes whenever I could. They all received their degrees and started their professions. Now, it was my turn to complete my college education. Received an Associated degree as a RN. Then, after 23 years of attending college classes whenever I could, working in the hospital as a RN, received my Bachelor degree, my Master’s degree, and finally, the Ph.D.
During my community activities, different forms of addiction presented themselves in all walks of life, and ages. Also, many types of addictions came through the hospital, some very sad. I had my share of pain with the loss of a baby brother, and loss of a baby son. I was able to relate with the problems of others.
The important thing is not to give up. Look at priorities, and toward the future. You are an important person. As stated, God made you, and he does not make junk. Look around, and you will find lots of support. It is there for you. The rest is up to you, how badly you want to be rid of your addiction, and how important it is to you. It took me 23 years to reach my goal, Its never too late. You can do it too.