Meet the Pugtona Puggies

by Jean Harmony; Kimberly Harmony



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/26/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781438969183

About the Book

In May of 2001 our first chapter, "Peanut was born" and our fun, laughter, and loving awareness came alive! I could tell a story about the day we met, but I will save that for later in the book. To make a long story short, we had a year of constant laughter at and with "our Peanut." 2002 we moved to North Carolina, another story there also to come later.  So you see that is how it all started, this fun of learning and laughter our puggies have given us! Everyday is another story, another adventure. We hope that what you read to your children will increase awareness to what life is teaching us through whatever lesson. We try to make our stories simple, so that all little ones can understand and become observant, aware, patient, and loving with the entire universe. We feel this is the only way to exist happily and want to share it with young and old alike!

About the Author

Lets begin with who we are, and why these puggies and stories are alive. My daughter and I wanted to breed pugs years before we finally did get started, for one reason or another. We are animal lovers, we have had all kinds of animals in our care from baby bunnies, ducklings,  a chipmunk, a lamb, and many other types of animals. Being crazy about animals we have numerous years of photography that we bring to life with each and every story. Each story is told by the pugs about loving, caring, sharing, learning to respect one another, and also have  a moral  for each story. Pugs have lots of expressions which we have captured in photographs and written stories.   We have numerous stories, a series of  books to come. Our books are for ages 1 to 101, for all who love pugs, love seeing photos of pugs, and people who just love animals, and animal stories. We hope we can give you a glimpse of the happiness our pugs give to us daily!