Chasers of the Glory

Become True Worshipers John 4:23

by Leatrice Renee Crisler-Draper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/23/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781438951720

About the Book

  This Is A Year of increase opportunity, multiplication of God's wisdom, insight and understanding, increase of God's favor, and this is the year of the harvest. This book will shine forth insight and the wisdom of God into your life. It teaches you how to tap into the anointing of true praises and worship unto God, and it realeses the mantel of the True Worshipers into the atmosphere. This book will challenge you to put God first in your life, pursue after Him, seek His face and require of Him daily. It also teaches you how to draw closer to God and delight yourself in Him knowing His will, His heart and His ways. God is calling you to become a Chaser of the Glory in this end-time move of God, to regin and to walk in the realm of fulfillment and fulfill your destiny. This book will encourage you, give you wisdom on how to become a Chaser of the Glory, how ot become a True Worshiper and how to reap, gather and contain your harvest.     

About the Author

     Leatrice Ren'ee Crisler-Draper reveals bibical insight and wisdom of worship from the heart of God, that will position you in a greater realm of intimacy with Him. She gives you insight and wisdom that establish you to become a Chaser of the Glory and equip you to move in the power and the anointing of God through praise and worship that will release the glory of God in the atmosphere that will manifest the power of God through miracles, signs and wonders. As you explore the power and wisdom of God from these pages you will encounter the heart of God of a true worshipper. In this book Leatrice Ren'ee Crisler-Draper gives you insight on how to become a Chaser of the glory, how to regin and walk in the realm of freedom, fulfillment, fulfill your destiny, and how to become the True Worshippers that God is seeking for that will release His glory and that the kingdom of God will be manifested upon the earth. John 4:23 says" But the hour cometh; and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him."