
Idyllic Cadence for the New Century

by John Newell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/14/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781438952864

About the Book


Composed of poetry, with a sprinkling of pictures and drawings, and three titled pages curiously left blank, Everyagain is a truly unique piece of art from a refreshingly independent and approachable poet and author named John Newell. 


Thematic topics within Everyagain include thinking differently, movement and contrast; all with a focus on shifting from occurrence to reason, from despair to beauty, and from insecurity to inner peace.  Everyagain takes these themes and captures them from within the amphibious realities of asleep and awake.

About the Author

John Newell has been writing since able to understand and pen English.  He was born and raised in San José, California.  John attended San Jose High Academy and Pioneer High School, and graduated a Mustang in the class of 1999.  He continued his education at De Anza College, transferred to California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and graduated a Mustang in the class of 2003 with a degree in business administration, a concentration in international business management, and a minor in economics.  In 2009, he is currently in his fifth year as a teacher.  Everyagain is his first published work, with material dating from the year 2000 to 2009.


Read each poem individually, but read Everyagain as one.