Aunt Lottie's Rocking Chair Tales

Short Stories For the Child in Us All

by Gina Hakeem



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/17/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781438990071

About the Book



      Each story presented is drawn from a multi-colored tapestry of childhood woven from a time when life embraced character and was safe and happy.

       Each thread, or chapter, weaves a bit of soul into each scene, whether it rings fact or fiction. 

       The characters come to life and share their lessons of faith, kindness and imagination in a very charming and vivid way that children and their parents can relate to as well as remember. 

    Stories range from contemporary morality tales to flights of fantasy that guide and teach in a delightful way, reminding us of time that was gone too quickly.

    What may we learn from these stories?  Practical lessons such as trying new foods (Miracle Soup), dealing with allergies (“…The Sniffit”), Chicken pox (“…Boogie Bug Boy”),

Studying and minding your parents resulting in character building(“..Reflection of Jonathan Bundy”), children of faith (“…Young Child Shall Lead Them”), or fantasy mixed with travel, learning new countries and their languages (Mrs. Moffitt and the Magic Chalkboard”).  These stories are all delivered with a spoonful of honey and an armful of love.



    These stories are mostly focused on children ranging from 7-11 years of age.  However the older children will read and explore the excitement on their own.  They will learn of new lands, new vocabulary words plus foreign languages in a fun way.  Their learning tools are about cause and effect, wisdom, making right choices, travel and just having plain fun.

     These stories speak to the child in us all and we want to read more about the young characters and their adventures and life lesson. 






About the Author


     Gina Hakeem is a new kid on the block but has high hopes of making herself known in her literary neighborhood with many more stories to come.  All of her stories, or life’s lessons, fiction as well as autobiography, encompass her childhood town, Bemis, with accounts based on experiences of life in the fifties and sixties.  These golden nuggets of memoirs in a young girl’s adventures molded and strengthened her character through many trials and tests.

     Ms. Hakeem’s published poems, in “American Poetry Anthology” are displayed throughout many school libraries.  She also self-published “Rocking Chair Poems” which were written by her late grandmother and her life over a sixty-year span.   Her self-published “A Mother’s Touch” is also a cookbook honoring her late mother and her years of recipes, including three generations of women and their secrets in cooking as well.  Ms. Hakeem also wrote a book called “A Prayer Book of Agreement and Confession” which showed her spiritual side in instruction as well as poems and “Morning Messages” given to her in the early mornings by the Holy Spirit.  Her favorite work written from the pages of her heart, “Ragtown”, depicts her bittersweet moments of rural life recorded in confession about nostalgic moments in her small town of Bemis. 

     Although most of her work is of intense matters of the heart, there is a funny side to her in parodies about life in her current town of Memphis, Tennessee.  Three parodies, “Cell phone Junkie”, “Road Rage” and  “Don’t Be a Hater” were made into CDs depicting life in urban Memphis.