Are Your Young People Driving You Crazy?

by Ms. W. S. Moris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781438983851

About the Book

I felt I needed to share what I have learned about youth over the years, most of which has been experienced first hand. Another belief I have is that parents are always in need of help to raise these unique individuals and hence the book “Are Your Young People Driving You Crazy?”. I also firmed believe with the current economic problems we are seeing globally, there is more stress in people’s life and as a result more relationship problems.

About the Author


I have lived most of my life in rural communities and worked as an educator for 20+ years. As well, I have raised three children of my own and been involved with young people in community organizations for many years. Young people have always fascinated me and I have wanted to find a way to not only help the masses of this group, but to help parents and other adults to understand (at least somewhat) how these adolescents ‘tick.’