Meet the Classics

A Ben and Lori Classic Mystery

by Bev & Ken Cook



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/6/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781438966304

About the Book

Newly retired Ben and Lori Classic are invited to a mystery weekend at the island home of a former minister whom they had helped during his internship. Little do they know that they will be thrown into a life and death situation on an isolated island in an old house that holds more secrets than they could ever imagine. As events unfold they question if anyone on the island is who they claim to be. It takes all of the Classics’ skill, courage, spirit of adventure and love for one another to cope and survive. The story is set in 1998.

About the Author

Since early in their marriage, former Rhode Islanders, Kenneth A. & Beverly J. Cook, have been co-authoring humorous short stories and weekly newspaper articles.  To the delight of their large family and friends, they branched out to write historic and humorous plays.  Currently, living in Port St. Lucie, Florida, they have enjoyed creating a series of mystery novels. The first in this series is Meet the Classics.