The 2nd Book of Rhinoisms

A Miniature Volume of Tiny Epics

by James W. Estall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/10/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781438959108

About the Book

Throughout civilization, Earth dwellers have sought inspirational advice through fablesque metaphors or mind blowing one liners from elders which are then relayed to new generations for them to ignore and regret later. Well, ancestors of the Rhino came into existence about fifty million years ago, so in fact, Rhinoism has been about for millions of years but, until now, its legacy and neck saving prowess has remained untapped and stories unheard by civilians of the planet. The following fables highlight the majestic power of Rhinoism and, although sometimes heavily disguised, may provide valuable lessons for us all.

So, welcome to the world of Animalkind. This is a world that is like yours’ and mine where the inhabitants hail taxis, feed the ducks in the park and where gases play snooker. This is also a world where dogs have motionless ears and where a zebra finch steels a toupee from a guinea pig police sergeant. This is a world where toads con otters out of their well earned cash and lizards sell time shares. This is a world where cats drive the taxis hailed and thousands of ants lose their memories. This is a world where gargoyles play conkers with angels.

This is also a world where woodland creatures ride motorbikes and where a giraffe pretends to be French and plays cards with a crocodile, a cheetah and a gorilla. This is a world where birds build time machines and a scorpion has a race with a beetle for a trophy. This is a world where a fox has an audition to be in a choir of chickens and a salamander forces the closure of a pizza parlour. This is a world where the ducks you feed in the park have a gun and where the world is about to implode!


About the Author

James William Estall breathed his 1st independent breath of life in the year 1968 AD in the northern hemisphere of Planet Earth. Speech began at around the age of two and a half, becoming more coherent at the age of three and a half. The ability to scribe legibly began at around the age six. The noises, voices and scenarios in his head began at the age of twenty three and stayed until transcribed onto paper at the age of thirty one, but new and different ones arrive every day.