No Man's Land

A Father's Fight to Gain and Maintain Sole Custody of his Children

by Alces C. Scotland

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781438984445
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781438984452

About the Book

No man’s land explores the issues of custody, gender bias in the court system and the difficulties and issues of single parenting. Central to the book is the true story of a single father. His world as he knew it ceased to exist when his pregnant wife fled to another state with his three minor children.  The court system did little to help him and for a while it seemed she got away with it. 

   He was faced with three options. He could just let her have her way with the possibility of never seeing his children again. He could let them remain in the new state and fight for visitation. With great risk to himself, he could fight for his children. He chose the latter.

   He secured their return and subsequently got custody of them. A few weeks after, he was also raising his newborn baby. Single fatherhood was hard on its own but, as though it was not enough, he faced continual attacks from his estranged wife, a biased justice system and an uncaring supervisor at work. 

   He eventually came to the point of giving up the very thing he had fought so hard for. He found out that when life suddenly becomes chaotic it is hard and sometimes impossible to find the balance in order to continue moving forward.

   For him balance came when he learnt to give up his expectations and to look for hope in God and faith in areas previously unexplored. As he willingly gave up life as he knew it and settled down to enjoying a new life and experiences with his children and with his faith in God, only then did he begin to take control of his life even if he had to do it in No Man’s Land.    

About the Author

Alces Scotland was born on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean. She was a teacher in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for a number of years before moving to Maryland, USA.

The Caribbean is a very diverse region and as such it served to stimulate her imagination and propel her in a direction that ebraces imaginative work. A career in writing and creative expression has always been her lifelong dream.  She has written a number of manuscripts over the years but nothing has ever been published. She wrote, directed and produced her first short film, 'The Larouma Reed' in 2006. The film was based on the struggles of the Carib Indian population in her native Dominica.

After a teaching career of more than twelve years she decided to pay some attention to her passion for writing. 'No Man's Land' is her first published work and it hopefully marks the beginning of a writing career.