from Lightness bleeds the Dark within

by kim chul Babcock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/26/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781438964409
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781438964416

About the Book

This book of poetry encompasses and enriches the reader with rich imagery and great humor. The satire of life may be directly related to the experiences and follies of our delicate human nature and the lessons wherein we may learn when we choose to smile and laugh, rather than turn to anger and bitterness. It is truly the strengths that are derived from our most difficult struggles that can teach us to be patient in our journey towards perfection. Not everything will be easy nor attainable, but it is within each of us to continue to strive to better ourselves despite the self-inflicted debacles we commit or the conflicts we face. It takes a better person to stand aside and laugh at oneself when times of conflict occur,...and in that moment, we may be enlightened and gain humility in this great journey called life. These poems reflect these moments of enlightenment, melancholy, satire, struggle, heartache, humor, and the pure, insatiable satisfaction life brings to all of us.

About the Author

Kim Chul Babcock is a first generation Korean-American. He was born in Kwang Ju, South Korea and emigrated to the United States at eleven months old. An amazing American family adopted him and he later became a citizen during the Bicentennial year of the United States in 1976. At a very young age, his interest in the Arts and Music became prevelent. He studied drawing, painting, poetry, and played the violin. His interest in poetry continued throughout his adolescence and into his professional life. He describes his poetry as his satirical journey through life and his travels. He claims that his great love of life is directly attributed to being raised by a loving, honorable, and generous family.