Secret Lives

by Rosalind W. Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781449013172

About the Book

     Survival comes at a high cost. Only those willing to pay the price will reap its awesome benefits. This is the story of three women's struggles to overcome tremendous odds and make their lives worthwhile and valuable. With laser-like focus, they never took their eyes off the end game. They didn't hesitate when fate challenged their hopes and dreams. Each navigated a treacherous personal journey and at a pivotal point in time, their lives intersected with tragic consequences.


     Dreema, brilliant and beautiful, knew where she was going and figured out early on how to get there, despite a devastating past which could have ended her life at sixteen. Brenda moves through life with middle class assumptions until they no longer work for her and she almost slips backwards, again losing a safe and secure life. Sharmika, with her spectacular looks and uncanny insight into other people's psyches, is an amoral woman who has nowhere to go but up and she is hell-bent on getting there at the speed of light.


     These women rose to the top of the corporate world, surviving each step of the way, however their pasts were stalking them with relentless determination.

About the Author

 Secret Lives is the author's second novel. Rosalind, mother of two, is an attorney who now represents abused and neglected children. Prior to this aspect of her profesional career, she spent twelve years at the U.S. Department of Justice.


     As with her first novel, Friends To Die For, in this book you will be engaged with her characters and drawn into their lives from page one.