Stabbed in the Back

A Private Investigator goes uncovered and tells it all

by Duane W Purdue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/5/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781438971629
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781438971636

About the Book

A Private Investigator Reveals it All:

Pulling back the covers and exposing it all, Duane reveals the intimate details of his life from childhood, and takes you through to adulthood. He reveals himself in an open and vulnerable way. Not for his own enjoyment, but because there were lessons to be learned by each aventure, and you'll discover what those lessons were. You'll be able to say yes, I've been there, or you'll file it away for future reference so you won't have to learn something yourself, in a more difficult way --- from your own experience. You'll live in his shoes as he exposes in detail things that you rarely hear a man reveal. This extremely personal book is something you'll never forget. Duane's life was one experience after another. Some Good, some Bad, some Ugly, and you'll go there with him.  He'll share true stories of his life with 25 years as a Private Investigator. He'll tell you of the triumphs and the downfall he had as a Search and Rescue Team Commander, and the lives that were saved during his rein with the Sheriff's Department. He'll take you with him during two decades of racing motorcycles. And you'll run with him when he competes in what has been said to be the toughest endurance race in the world. This book will appeal to both men and women. Likely for different reasons. Those who aren't excited, saddened, scared, and sometimes angry, may not be human. Stand by, this is going to be a great ride.

About the Author

As a former Marine, this Private Investigator brings his background and dedication forward and commits himself to his business. You'll read his life's stories, and look into his personal life as well. A life found to be replete with problems and difficulties not uncommon to what others experience. But how does he address these? And would you do the same thing? You're going to read personal things that possibly should never be revealed by anyone. Especially a Private Detective who rarely opens his life up for anyone to see. You'll see his triumphs, his failures, and his introduction to God. The latter of which kept him alive. This is not a Detective who infiltrated the Mafi or worked as a CIA Operative. This is a down to earth Investigator revealing his assignments, and exposing his life, his loves, and his losses. You'll see every detail of his personal life. You won't close the back cover of this book and ever be the same.