All Hands on Deck

making it through the storm

by Issac Sutton, Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/21/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781438988818

About the Book

All Hands on Deck is a call for everyone onboard to get involved in doing whatever it takes, to get the ship that we all love through the storm.  It is every ones responsibility to make our ship more buoyant and seaworthy.

Our ship can no longer sustain the weight of those who are nonproductive, sleeping in the bowels of the ship.  It can neither afford the greed and selfishness of those on the top, who put personal gains above the health and welfare of there own ship.  We all are indebted to this ship, the greatest hope there is.

There is chaos in the control room.  The crew is panicked and disenfranchised. The back seat drivers and Monday morning quarterbacks are quick to analyze and spin every word and action our new captain makes.  Why can’t we all just get along?

The water is now waist high on the ship and we need everyone to grab a bucket to keep the sea of debt from claiming the most prestigious ship ever to sail the seven seas.  We need “ALL HANDS ON DECK”.

About the Author

He was raised with good morals and ethics, in a church.  He attended both public and private schools.  His parents instilled in him the importance of education and hard work.  He served both active duty and reserve in the military.  He received higher education, completing an apprenticeship and receiving an associates degree.  He has also worked in both union and non union shops.

This author has a broad base of knowledge and personal experience to speak from.  He also lives and struggles with the hot button issues most Americans are concerned about today.  His views are not left or right, they are what both sides could work together on and live with.