The Seattle Writings

Poems and Other Writings

by Brandon W. Ivie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781438978574

About the Book

Originally, from Madera Ranchos, California Brandon W. Ivie now resides with his family in the

Central San Joaquin Valley.


In the Seattle Writings, his latest volume of poetry, Brandon W. Ivie presents a compelling

collection of inspired works, written and compiled from various visits to the Pacific Northwest from

the spring of 1998 to the winter of 2002.  Within these pages, you will be able to touch the same

static streets, relive the visual wilderness of dream and begin, if you will to explore and take-in

what it was that was experienced while among those in the Emerald City. 

About the Author

Brandon W. Ivie has been writing poetry for the past seventeen years and has been the recipient of several awards that include The Best Poems and Poets of 2007, Inclusion in numerous Nationwide hard bound compilations and induction twice into The Sound of Poetry, a three-disc audio showcase release .

In 2003, Ivie burst into the poetry scene with his first collection, 2 Doors fromElsewhere, a book of contemplative and inventive verse that won him comparisons to everyone from Stephen Crane to Jim Carroll.  The Seatte Writings, Ivie's sophomore release defines its own mark and quickly establishes that Ivie's emerging force and range of vision are as strong as ever.