Flight of the Green Bird

a novel

by Myra S. Shapiro

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/31/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781449003814
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781449003791

About the Book

This novel of international conspiracy begins in the year 2026 with a plot by the declining nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia to shut down the computer grids that manage the US alternative energy supply and restore US demand for Persian Gulf oil. Senator Winston Ainsley has discovered the planned coup and he is on the cusp of disclosing it at a scheduled press conference when he is assassinated. Flight of the Green Bird is a story about the people caught up in the web of intrigue that follows his murder, and how each of their lives is affected by these events and by each other. The environmental issues and new technology that are woven throughout the book, take us on a journey to foreign lands and future solutions for a cleaner and safer planet.

About the Author

During the turbulent sixties, the author worked for a United States Senator and got to know the Capital Hill crowd of staffers, press, lobbyists and fundraisers. Building on this eye-opening and valuable experience, she worked as a political operative, doing presidential advance and political fundraising for officials such as Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senator Scoop Jackson and for the Democratic National Committee under Robert Strauss. In the seventies and eighties, she capped her political career with eight years of public administration as the director of a federal manpower and training program in her home county, and with membership on a number of advisory boards and commissions. In retirement with her husband of 54 years, she enjoys the sun and sand of northern Florida, her six grandchildren, and writing books capturing bits and pieces of the people she has known and the insider machinations she has seen. Her first book was a memoir titled Dear Ethan. She continues her love of writing with Flight of the Green Bird.