I Have Good News and Bad News

by Alnoor Rajan Talwar



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/16/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781449066482
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781449066475

About the Book

Rajan Talwar's book is not simply an individual’s journey through the trials of living with Multiple Sclerosis. It is a discourse between a thinking, reflective being with his world. It is a discourse on life, not in any abstract fashion, but in the very real essence of living each day to its fullest. His sense of humour prevails even in his darkest moments of anger and despair, as he punctuates some of the most painful moments of his life with this humour. Every chapter contains a positive lesson from a negative circumstance. The question of self growth for the author is linked to the inexorable condition of the disease that holds him captive.

Boustan Hirji - Dawson College

Unique, self-told story of pain, courage and triumph. A candid account of the real turbulences of life.

Informative of treatments that the medical profession considers 'Witchcraft'

Passionately written. Refreshingly honest, open and sensitive.

The author invites us to his world of MS and takes us on an intimate tour of his fears, hopes, despair, strengths. On this tour, we encounter our own innermost being; we find reflected in his world our own world. We find the echoes of our own questions, and we question our responses to the world we all live in. He provides us with the lens through which to view his world and we find that this lens is indeed a reflection of our own world. In this sense his world of MS is indeed our world and MS is then our metaphor for the calamities of our lives. This is one man’s journey of coming to terms with his reality and it can only inspire us and help us to come to terms with our own reality. A must read for every thinking, feeling, and struggling person!

Zeenat Shariff Aga Khan University

About the Author

Alnoor Rajan Talwar is originally from Kenya and immigrated to Canada in 1989. He is an activist and is constantly writing letters to newspapers.He currently runs a successful Corporate Catering Company and still finds time to write.

Alnoor's collection of soulful poetry 'Unanswered Questions and Unquestioned Answers' was published in 2006. He is presently working on his next poetry book.