The "Devil" Hates Marriages

How so many people allow the devil to interfere in the marriage

by by Cynthia Addison



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/18/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438996226
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438996219
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438996202

About the Book

This book is not about what a lot of people think, it has many exciting stories that can make you smile,laugh,even cry. Some stories may even help you in relationships, marriage, even life itself. this book even have extras like things you may have wanted to say, but was afraid to say.. If you look close to the first story you will get a revelation that will blow your mind.

About the Author

About the Arthur



Cynthia Addison divorced mother of four wonderful children, Levi, Lorenzo, Lemont, and Ronnique. Born in New Orleans Louisiana one older sister Loretta who died in April of 2005. A  younger sister Vanez, born 14 years after Cynthia. After the birth of this sister, Cynthia’s mother was sick with a 50-50 chance of living. At the age of 14 Cynthia had to spend a lot of nights sleeping under her mothers bed in the hospital,while  taking care of her.

while taking care of her mother in the hospital, Loretta her oldest sister took care of the baby Vanez.


After leaving the hospital for a few days Cynthia took care of Vanez, but because of how close Cynthia felt to her mother she wanted to spend more time with her since   Loretta didn’t like hospitals and thought by her being the oldest she would do better with taking care of theire  little sister. School was out at the time, so it was ok and at the age of 14, Cynthia knew that God would bring her mother through. In this book you will be able to enjoy many stories some are even true.


You will also get to read a short part of Cynthia’s, which may help some of you to believe in yourself.