The 10 Commandments of Handling Your Man (plus a few extra tidbits)
1. Thou shall not tell any man the truth under any circumstances.
2. Trust no other woman with your man under any circumstances.
3. All men are inherently inferior to women.
4. Break your man and keep him broken (check with his mother or other women in his life to see if he’s been broken.)
5. What men say isn’t important and what they say is of no consequence.
6. Never ever let your man meet the real you (keep the stunt double in play) & keep him guessing.
7. A man is never worthy of your favor, keep him on the “Hamster Wheel.”
8. The sister hood is sacred i.e. never put any man up on a woman’s game.
9. Always find fault with a man it’s never the woman’s fault.
10. A man shall have no other woman before you (except maybe his mother)
Never let your man meet the real you- keep the stunt double in play at all times.
Who are you and who or whom do you serve? Your mission, should you accept, is to rediscover the REAL YOU, good, bad or indifferent and be able to formulate a coherent and sensible answer to this question. No exceptions. This message will explode on your ass in 10 seconds or anytime you step outside of the stated parameters. If you find yourself unable or unwilling to answer this question, stay your ass at home and quit having encounters, you are not suitable and you are not ready. Be clear, you are not dating you are contaminating and infecting those around you.
Personally, I am sick and tired of all the so-called, grown-assed people who can’t even wrap their minds around this question. How do you spend 30 some, 40 some or 50 some odd years on the face of this earth and don’t have an inkling of how to answer this question and are afraid to even attempt it? You are not excused in your twenties but this is where the process begins. I have posed this question enough times and to enough people that I have come to expect the glazed eyes, the dazed and confused looks and the overall feeling that I’ve just trapped a deer in the proverbial headlights. I have been called names behind this question, cursed behind it and had it thrown back at me as being self-righteous to query in this way. I’ve been told to lighten up and that I’m too intense after asking this question. But I counter with the fact that whom I share the remainder of my days with is too serious not to ask this question and expect an acceptable answer. This is so sad and such a statement of where the vast majority of people are in the journey to their personal development.
At this particular point, we are going to name names, expose double agents and define the roles of all these undercover operatives. Sorry for your luck if you happen to have been in the program but I gotta do what I gotta do. The Stunt Double, capital S, capital D, is typically a gamer’s first line of defense. This is the person that the unsuspecting male mark or trick, as the case may be, is initially exposed to. Make no mistakes about it, she’s doing all the heavy lifting and can remain in play indefinitely. It takes energy and focus to maintain the façade but some women have gotten exceptionally good at doing just that. Make no mistakes about this; you may never make it past this particular operative, ever!
The next operative is what we call the 7-21 day hustler. So called because like milk, her game is short by nature and has a definite expiration date. This woman, as a general rule, is running multiple targets and is a subsistence hustler. In other words she’s hustling just to eat and keep the lights on. This is the relationship version of a politician, she’s bright and shiny, she’s everything to everybody but her supporters can never meet or be seen in the same room at the same time.
The Hood Rat Hustler. Make no mistakes, this woman is after your cheddar (I.e. money) and the longer her tail the more problems she’s got. She is also known as a project princess or a high-maintenance ho. She definitely has the wow factor because she is bright and shiny but as a general rule she is a scavenger/parasite and she will drain you dry. She will appear to be in it to win it with you, but she is not a team player and when the well runs dry or the chips are down she is own to the next hustle in order to ensure that her needs get met no matter what.
The double agent of dating is the woman that maintains her own lifestyle and keeps a nine to five but is still hustling on the side. In other words she can afford her basics but still requires a sponsor or sponsors to guarantee that she has bling. She’s got a reputation to maintain and the sponsor(s) are going to pay for it. This is where the terms friends, acquaintances, associates, etc start to creep into the conversation. For Example, if she tells you that another man has been an “associate” of hers, then that translates as he’s hit that and he’s paid for some of her shit. Don’t ever get it twisted, very few men have crossed her path without leaving something of material value behind and having tapped that ass in exchange. On the surface, this woman generally has a polished veneer but just below the surface is a street-hardened warrior that will intellectually and emotionally cut you off at your knees. Don’t let the smooth taste fool you.