The Door of Will

A Child's will to survive extreme odds and help others at the same time.

by Bonnie W. Shipley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/15/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781449000448

About the Book

     Tess Sole is twelve years old and suffers from Cystic Fibrosis.  Her disease has progressed to her liver and put her in the need of an immidiate transplant.  The night before Tess is to leave for the hospital, a visitor from another world, comes and requests Tess's help.  The visitor explains to Tess that if she comes with him, she will not be leaving her own world but living in two worlds simultaneously.  Tess accepts the invitation and is taken to the fascinating world of  "Efil", where she is without her disease for the first time in her life.

     The two worlds parallel as Tess goes through trials and tribulations in both.  She reaches a point of despair, where she must decide to surrender or fight.  In the end, Tess summons the strength to fight and soars to victory, threw The Door Of Will.

About the Author

Bonnie Walke Shipley, the mother of five daughters, two of which suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, was inspired to write the story of a childs will to survive after a chance encounter with the parents of a young girl struggling for her life with Lukemia.  "I just wanted the parents to know that where the will to live exists, there is always hope and that hope, can conquer the most desperate situations."

     The main character, Tess, was developed from the real life experiences of the author's daughter, Christie, as she survived two liver transplants.  This book is a tribute to the courage and perseverance of survivors like Christie, who refuse to be defeated and overcome the seemingly impossible by walking threw The Door Of WIll.