Healing for my Hurt: A Journey to Wholeness

Finding My Father, Finding Myself

by Cynthia Parker White, Ed. D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/15/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781449004682

About the Book

Healing for My Hurt: A Journey to Wholeness is a 2010 Indie Book Award Finalist in the Women's Issues Category


A simple internet search, ended nearly 30 years of searching for my biological father. I had searched on and off for years, writing letters before the advent of the worldwide web and even making phone calls to verify the identity of someone I thought might be him. Years of searching in vain left me disappointed and emotionally drained. I promised myself each time that I would not search again but eventually, I would be back on his trail again.

In December of 2008, I vowed that I would conduct my final search. Based on the very limited information I had, I knew that if still alive he was approaching his mid-seventies and with each year that passed, the potential for finding him yet alive was growing smaller.

It was the Christmas Season; I had two weeks vacation and acutely feeling the loss of my mother, triggered by the holidays.

Having already spent a few hundred dollars online chasing false leads, I made the decision to attempt to find him once last time. I conducted an open search two days before Christmas, not focusing on any particular state or region of the country and came up with a Freeman Parker in Detroit, Michigan. Not certain why, I believed I had happened across the right person this time.

About the Author

A graduate of Argosy University/Sarasota, Dr. Cynthia Parker White is an adjunct professor in the Counseling Education Department of Argosy University/Tampa and a practicing high school counselor with over 30 years of experience in the Public School System of Pinellas County, Florida. She has special interest in Social Cultural Competency/Diversity along with relationship building among Christian women. She is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida and is the proud mother of Carl, Nicole, Corey and Ryan and doting grandmother to Zakaria.