An American Conversation

by Frank W. Pote



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781449011178

About the Book

   The author writes; "Apathy is the killer of great nations." Do not be lulled to sleep by routine or lack of effort. To not be hypnotized or distracted by the numbing, mindless drip of Hollywood. To honor our constitution in America and to never let those who believe that the failed governments of the past, those that ruled their nations by fear and oppression, would be a better replacement for our own.

       The author wants you to remember those great words printed on a simple license plate by one small state in our great nation...

                                                                   "LIVE FREE or DIE"

       His hope is, that by reading this book, common sense will prevail and that individuals will begin to ask the tough questions to their politicians about their motives and agendas. To not follow blindly the sound bites, propoganda and lies that permeate our political process. He wants everyone to demand the truth from their elected officials, demand to see the results of their programs and policies so everyone can have a clear understanding of their successes and failures.

       This book looks at the political failures and domination of the Democrat Party  over  black Americans for the last fifty years. It asks and in some cases answers the tough questions before us today. Attorney General Eric Holder called all of us cowards for not having a coversation about race in America...The author writes: This is my conversation with you!



About the Author

  He grew up in the projects outside of Boston Massachusetts. His family  moved 46 times before he was in the third grade. His father was a survivor of the Bataan Death March and the Japanese prison camp for 3 1/2 years in WWII. He moved to Maine in 1990 with his wife of 30 years, Karen and their three children. He has always been a conservative and sees himself more and more a Libertarian.

       The motivation behind "An American Conversation" began when the author was listening to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Eric Holder, calling everyone a coward for NOT having a conversation about race! Something changed in the author that day and he began to write his book. The book "An American Conversation" is this authors own opinions and observations on the political climate and its effect on race over the last fifty years. 

       He is also proud of the fact that he has this opportunity to give back to the military families in America by donating one dollar from the sale of each book to the "Wounded Warriors Project".

   The author hopes that this book will inspire all to have their own conversation. A conversation that some might not want you to have or others to hear. The author agrees with Mr. Holder, not that we are all cowards for not having a conversation about race but that its time to have this conversation. A conversation of..."a new kind."