Thoughts of a Modern-Day Sojourner

by J. W. Christopher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/17/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 544
ISBN : 9781452030456
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 544
ISBN : 9781452030449

About the Book

These pages reflect J. W. Christopher's vision for the church. His vision is that Christians will grow strong in their faith, continually rejoice in the hope of the gospel, and sincerely love one another. Faith, hope and love, the virtues of the Christian life, are what Thoughts of a Modern-Day Sojourner is about. In this book you will find fresh new insights which are challenging. J. W. Christopher does not compromise and brings conviction where it is needed. He confronts many problems facing the church today and offers solutions. He challenges the popular notion today of what it means to be spiritual, showing another side of spirituality that is often neglected or forgotten. You will also find this work inspiring. There are many writings which encourage hope in the midst of suffering and trial. There are writings that comfort the hurting, describing what it means to endure hardship, and how to believe in hope when everything seems to be against it. This book is authentic in its many  applications and concerns real-life issues. It is not a product of the Christian sub-culture. If you have suffered on your walk of faith, then you will likely find yourself in these pages. Thoughts of a Modern-day Sojourner promises enough variety to serve every kind of person who sojourns toward the heavenly frontier.

About the Author

After serving as pastor for several years in three churches, and earning his M.Div., J. W. Christopher now ministers in various churches and prisons as a guest speaker. He currently lives in Pennsylvania, and is happily married with a table-full of children.