East is East and West is West, Never the Twain shall Meet

by Beryl Badwal



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/15/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781449029838
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781449029821

About the Book

My dear Readers, I must admit,  my friends were  right in persuading me to write this story of all the memories that were stored in my mind, going back further than my 70-odd years, to my Ancestors, such tales I could tell of my mysterious Great Grand mother, and  my lovable courageous Grandparents. I'm sure if you proceed you will wonder how one person could survive through this adventure. I will give you a hint,.Imagine before you a beautiful homemade quilt, with many paterns. Now, lightly run your hand over the surface, can you feel all the different textures and materials?velvet against jute, silk against cotton, each one signifie's a different Time or period in my life, and an emotion. are you ready to go? I will take you from the rural peaceful setting of the English Village of Romiley, to my Palacial home in India As a child you will feel the fear, hearing the Bombing, then to the sound of the Big Band era in the Ballrooms of Blackpool, England. Join me on the 'Boards' in the excitement of the Stage. I fall into unusual circustances where there is Intrigue into  Countries from BC Canada to the Punjab, India  with its Casts, Culture and Corruption. You come up against Prejudice and anger .I will take you from the cruelty of the classroom as a child and leave you in the Wards of my Hospital as a Student Nurse,to face a cruel Matron and experience my nightmare of injustice,              The helplessness I felt whilst in 'Burnout', and the emotions of greiving for a lost child. undiscribeable depths Iove, passion, anger and hurt I shared with a man who lived in a different culture and world. My Dear Reader, Did I fail?? Time Will Tell.!  

About the Author

Beryl Badwal was born in Cheshire, Northern England in 1938, the eldest child in a close knit hard working and loving family.She has written a compelling memoir of her life and times. She suffered great hard ships all through her education at the hands of cruel teachers and a flawed education system. She had a love of dancing at which she excelled and could have gone on to enjoy, to have a glittering career on the stage  Beryl forsook this great opertunity in favour of love and marriage. A conventional marriage was not for her, she bravely followed her heart and married a Sikh at a time when Mixed Mariages were not common and not popula, certainly not in the North of England in the1950's. Having chosen marriage over the stage, Beryl then chose another great challenge,---Nursing. She overcame prejudice, and all manner of obstacles to introduce and implement Systems and Care Regimes we take for granted today. Having enjoyed success in the UK. the family moved to Canada, where Beryl, with her resolute style and gritty determination, then, started again in Canada, to improve the Health Care situation for Patients and Healthworkers alike. She has weathered every kind of storm through out her life, the most exciting, romantic, frightening, sad, joyful and exhilerating life any body could wish for. Now in her 70's and living on the Meditrranean Island of Cyprus, she is still working for those in the Community who need a strong champion against injustice.  ..