
by Brandon W. Caswell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/7/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781452044415
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781449037796

About the Book

This book is an autobiography detailing the events, large and small, of my life from childhood to my present age of nearly 90 years. It encompasses a life that was launched in a fairly wealthy family and includes all of the frills to be expected in such a life. From this beginning it proceeds through service in the Navy in WWII to a life as a musician and traveling salesman, and then down the sordid path of a drunk to life on skid row. At this low point it returns to another life of success in business and a wonderful personal life with a second wife and son. It is an accurate and forceful description of the horrors of the drinking alcoholic, and then the successes of the life of sobriety found in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

About the Author

The author was born into a fairly well to do Massachusetts family living part of the time in a little village and part of the time in an upscale Boston hotel. He was torn between his family's desire that he become a doctor and his intense love of music and a determination to be a professional musician.