A Mystical Journey

by George W. Adams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/13/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781449034979

About the Book

The expressions reflected within the four epistles are but one journey that express the endless search, through the "fire of love" of our desire to reconnect with the One Supreme Being who created our souls and spiritual, physical, realities of His Unknowable Essence - His mirrored image - of who and what we are a true extension of His Holy Reality and quintessential creation!

About the Author

Native New Englander, born 1821 in medium sized cultural/Industrial city near Boston. Veteran of World War II, served in New Guinea and invasion Philippine campaigns. Nationally recognized as military documentation expert, with diverse writing skills in various fields of engineering and architecture. His creative writings deal with metaphysics/religious metaphors and future cities. Published works include Dawning Points of God, Under the Southern Cross.