A Piece of Heaven on Earth

by Cynthia Yates Soles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781449036935
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781449036928

About the Book

Do you ever feel trapped in your everyday routine? Are you constantly trying your best to keep up with daily responsibilities? Is your life like one giant jigsaw puzzle, with pieces everywhere? Because you can't see the whole picture, you become frustrated, not knowing where and how they will fit together in your life. Cynthia Yates Soles knows the pressure of everyday living, and understands how overwhelming life can be, but it was not until she found what was missing in her own life, that she experienced hope and peace. In A Piece of Heaven on Earth, Cynthia shares some of the miracles and blessings in her journey of life. As you read her testimony, you will see how God's love and grace changed the life of an ordinary person.

About the Author

Cynthia Yates Soles resides on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the mother of two daughters and has two grandsons. After attending Seton Hill University, of Greensburg, Pennsylvania where she studied theology and writing, Cynthia has spent years in the teaching ministry. She is currently enrolled in Liberty University, of Lynchburg, Virginia, and is studying theology. A Piece of Heaven on Earth is her story------------------------------------------- Read how an ordinary person from a small mill town, discovered blessings and miracles, when she did not give up! And not only that: she experienced God's presence in her life, and found the true meaning of a piece of heaven on earth.