Microsoft Windows 7 A Beginner's Guide

by W. R. Mills



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/23/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781449047313

About the Book

This book is not intended to be an “Everything you will ever need to know” about Microsoft Windows 7, although in some cases it might be. It is as the name implies a “beginner’s guide” to Windows 7. This book is intended to provide the inexperienced user with a working knowledge of Windows 7. I hope this helps.

About the Author

Bill Mills has a background in electronics and technology. He started writing software in 1982 and has expanded his programming skills to include C, C++, and Visual Basic. Bill also designs web sites. Bill designed a computer based telephone system for the hotel/motel market and wrote the entire operating system himself. In 2007 he started teaching computer training classes and seems to have a knack for explaining things in a simple way that the average user can understand. Bill is self-employed and lives in Branson Missouri with his wife Rose. They have three children, two sons and a daughter.