by R.L Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/23/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781449057015

About the Book

I CAN DO ALL THINGS! An empowering and effective biblically based book that every child should have.

Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it.

This fun daily devoitional book is poetically written and filled with colorful illustrations.Every page is a life topic discussion that can be used to engage children in meaningful conversations while planting the seed of God's Word.

I CAN DO ALL THINGS! teaches children :Christ Jesus is Lord and Savior, Core Values, Appreciation for the Creator, Obedience to Parents, Love, Faith, Confidence, Salvation, Giving to the Poor,Humility, Respect,Reading Skills,Responsibility, Health, Priorities,Choices & Consequences,Leadership Skills, Eternity, and so much more...

 I CAN DO ALL THINGS! an effective tool to assist parents in fulfilling the parental biblical mandate:

Deuteronomy 6:7 And you shall teach them diligently to your children,And shall talk of them when you sit in your house,and when you walk by the way,when you lie down and when you rise up.

I CAN DO ALL THINGS! Get it today.



About the Author

R.L Williams, is founder/C.E.O of Sunshine Kids Worldwide a international biblically based entertainment and education company for children ages 0-12. He is also an author, song writer, and public speaker. As a father several years ago, he became very concerned about the bombardment of negative entertainment targeted towards the impressionable minds of young children. He noticed that the mainstream media was spending billions of dollars to create content that opposed the core values that he wanted his children to have. He found it very disturbing that there were so many choices for parents and children when it came to negative entertainment, yet very difficult to find a variety of quality choices that gave parents the tools to instill biblical principles into the lives of their children. His vision for Sunshine Kids Worldwide is to equip parents with the tools to spiritually and academically empower their children with Gods love,wisdom and purpose for their lives. R.L. Williams believes that with over two and a half billion people who profess to believe in the Bible there should be biblically based entertainment companies that compare in size and content to Disney and Nickelodeon giving parents and children many choices of high standard entertainment that is fun, effective, and relevant. R.L. Williams, is passionately committed to building such a company with Sunshine Kids Worldwide, for he believes that entertainment and education should promote a lifestyle pleasing to God.