
I find myself viewing the many beautiful colors in the rainbow as if I were looking through the sheer lens of a kaleidoscope. The many shades of color remind me of the “Hurdles” in my life.

by Nancy Leake Woodson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/20/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449048839
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449048815
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781449048822

About the Book

A sudden cancer diagnosis finds a wife, mother of three and full time employee of the local university with an unexpected life changing decision. The reconstruction of her current job position forces her to choose to travel three weeks out of each month or return to the college classroom to complete her undergraduate degree. The many HURDLES all the way will pull at your heart strings, cry with laughter, challenging your spirit and fill your soul with joy. This memoir will take you on a journey to the core of author’s true self, while understanding the importance of her family and friends. On her five year cancer anniversary, this runner in her own race will hopefully encourage you to become a better spouse, parent, child, friend and leader to all. Some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the few guilty.

About the Author

When asked to write the About the Author for my mother’s book I was initially disinterested. How can one sit down and brainstorm thoughts that describe and inform an audience about your own mother. I procrastinated the assignment until the last possible second and basically had to force myself to sit down and describe my mother to a bunch of people who do not know her and will probably never meet her. Nancy Woodson is an individual who takes pride in her family. Ever since I was a small child, I was uncomfortable with my mother constantly doting on my sisters and me. She takes pride in her children and has helped me become the person that I am today. As I grew older I realized that she did not do it to make me feel awkward she did it because she loved me, and the things that I had accomplished. She cares for those around her and makes it a personal goal to help the important people in her life as much as she can. Even though these are all wonderful attributes (and hopefully you can realize that you are about to read about a great woman/ mother/ wife/ child/ sister/friend/mentor/role model), attributes alone are not enough to draw a reader to a book. Nancy Woodson is a person who has undergone a complete transformation, from childhood in Memphis Tennessee to socialite country club life in Fort Worth Texas. She attended four Universities in the past two decades that might be a record for a person to obtain an undergraduate degree in general studies. She began the first 15 years of her marriage as a homemaker and now she has worked for multiple employers, started a small business and written an autobiography about her life. All of this was accomplished while raising a family and wrestling with cancer. It is hard to recognize how arduous a person’s journey has been when it develops right under your nose. She has overcome cancer, dysfunctional relatives, educational restraints and never-ending battles with her children. Her life story has been marked by tragedies, miracles, disappointments, satisfaction, despair and happiness. If there is one thing that I have learned as the son of Nancy Woodson, “just take it one day at a time.” Life is a rollercoaster, with ups and downs and twists and turns. Without the bad there is no way to enjoy the good and that kind of philosophy is the reason Nancy Woodson has found eternal happiness with her family and friends. I am not here to tell you that my mother is the most wonderful woman in the world. Quite honestly, she is more than a handful and at times very unreasonable. I am here to tell you that she is a human, no super powers, no epic adventures and she is more easily defeated by injustice than kryptonite. Her story is unique, her journey unpredictable and her love for her passions, immeasurable. By Jay Woodson Age 21 The man who has influenced me the most in my life is my husband and best friend -- Doug. He has always been supportive. He stood by me – and shouldered the added responsibility of caring for our 3 children -- when I returned to college to complete my undergraduate degree, when I went back to work full time, and when I was diagnosed with – and had to undergo treatment for -- thyroid cancer. Through it all Doug not only worked a 60-hour week and fixed our family dinner, but he also assisted our youngest child with her daily school assignments. On nights when I had to prepare for a college test, Doug would serve me dinner on a tray, draw my bath and pull back my bed. Never a day went by when he wouldn’t tell me how proud he was of me. His encouragement and true love gave me super-human strength. I often questioned my overloaded schedule – which sometimes resulted in extreme exhaustion and total frustration, but he settled me down with his calm spirit. It was Doug who was instrumental in my accomplishing my dream of becoming an author – he became the third and final editor of my manuscript in his spare time (sarcasm). My first book – Hurdles - will be released in August. As with many couples, our marriage has had its bumps, but “Our struggles have become our biggest Blessings.” This unselfish man has given me the best part of himself – as well as his unconditional love and guidance -- and for this I am forever grateful. I have grown and matured into a more productive and confident woman, and I applaud my husband for putting aside any ego and simply encouraging me, his wife. I truly believe I can accomplish anything I set my mind to with his support – and with the support of my family and friends. Nancy Woodson began the first 17 years of her marriage as a homemaker and returned to the college classroom to complete her undergraduate degree while working full-time, raising a family and battling cancer. In the past year she has started a business and will publish her memoir Hurdles on her five year cancer anniversary.