Backyard Deer Hunting

Converting Deer to Dinner for Pennies per Pound

by Wm. Hovey Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/1/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781449084356
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781449084370
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781449084363

About the Book

Backyard deer hunting

Converting deer to dinner for pennies per pound

? In a single volume, prize-winning author Wm. Hovey Smith explains every aspect of deer hunting from finding deer to cooking it for your family.

This book is designed for someone who has never, or seldom, hunted or cooked game. Basic hunting and cooking instructions are provided along with 50 tested recipes. Novice and experienced hunters alike will enjoy the author's writing style which is like sitting across the kitchen table listening to grandpa talk about hunting and cooking.

Each day brings news of some economic, natural or political disaster. In these uncertain times it may vital for family survival to know how to kill, clean, cook and process game or salvage a dead animal that was killed in the same disaster. This book will tell anyone how to do these tasks even when electronic communications fail. This book should be in every home and library in the nation. Even if you do not think you need it, request that your local library stock it.

Get the confidence to

*Hunt close to home * Hunt multiple seasons * Process your own animals * Use functional, but inexpensive equipment * Eat better meat * Help the environment and your neighbors * Have a healthy lifestyle * Process deer, hogs and turkeys * Put inexpensive meat in your freezer * Eat well * Keep money in your pocket *

About the Author

Wm. Hovey Smith is a prize-winning author who is uniquely qualified to write a comprehensive hunting guide. He has been an avid user of conventional guns, muzzleloading guns, crossbows, bows and knives who has hunted in 39 U.S. states, Europe and Africa. These activities resulted in his appointment as the Corresponding Editor for Gun Digest covering black-powder guns. In addition, he writes about knives in Knife World and the Krause knife annuals. His previous books have also included Crossbow Hunting (Stackpole, 2006) and Practical Bowfishing (Stoeger, 2004).

Events that provided the basis of Backyard Deer Hunting were derived from living through times when he had a family to support and very little money. These circumstances necessitated that he develop ways to hunt, process and cook wild game as inexpensively as possible. These efforts were published in 13 books and thousands of magazine, newspaper and on-line articles since the 1970s.

With degrees in geology from universities in Georgia and Alaska, his professional work allowed him to hunt throughout North America and discover how others handled their outdoor challenges.

All of these experiences enhanced the author's ability to describe money-saving ways to hunt, kill, process and cook deer and other game. Like all of the author's books, Backyard Deer Hunting: Converting deer to dinner for pennies per pound approaches its subject with thoroughness, humor and dashes of the unexpected.