The Dirty Little Secret About "Buying" Coins

A Common Sense Book on Buying and Selling Coins

by J. W. Swank



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/19/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781449063153
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781449063146

About the Book

The Dirty Little Secrets About “Buying” Coins was written to help all collectors and none collectors be better shoppers. It contains information that will make you wiser and more informed when shopping for coins. It contains information that you could spend hours trying to find, put into one convenient location, for quick referral. It tells you the best places to shop and the one to avoid. The book contains many web sites that will help you become better informed on the tools you will need when buying and selling coins. This book is a good reference for novice, non-collectors and collectors alike. “Do not buy or sell coins without reading this book!” Be sure to visit my web site:

About the Author

He spent two years in the USNR and four years in the USN. He retired after thirty years with Xerox Corporation. He is a graduate of De Vry Institute of Technology, Chicago and Utility Engineering Institute, Chicago. He has a wife of forty-five years and two grown daughters. He has been collecting coins for over forty years. He is a member of the ANA and a life member of the PNS (Pensacola Numismatic Society). He has taken ANA courses in grading uncirculated and circulated coin, Minting processes and Mint errors and varieties. He collects Morgan dollars, Walkers halves, Franklin halves, Indian Head pennies, Buffalo nickels, and Proof quarters and nickels. He does coin collection appraisals on the side. He is the author of The Dirty Little Secrets About “Cleaned” Coins. He is also the author of the “Perfect Journey Series” of Christian novels. The first two books are the “The Perfect Year” now on sale and “The Perfect View” next to come out. Visit My Web Site: