Star Benchwarmers

A Family Memoir

by Don Eggspuehler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/21/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452083100
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452083087
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781452083094

About the Book

Just like in flying, emergencies can happen at any time in life when we least expect them.   Things are going smoothly and life throws us a “curve ball”.  How we react to those situations is often more important than anything else.  When that challenge involves an illness or death of a loved one, the stakes and the tension of the game of life are the highest of all.

This is the true story of a family living in Texas, suddenly confronted with the stark reality of brain cancer.  Adapting to this common enemy, the family pulled together in a collective support network to help the mother deal with the crisis, while reminiscing and savoring the special moments they have enjoyed together over the years.

This is a memoir of Linda Kay Eggspuehler…a mother, wife, friend, homemaker, surgical technologist, and so much more.  She was the rock and foundation of this family.  She touched so many lives with her gentle love and compassion.  This memoir is dedicated to her children, so that their children will know who she was a little better.

About the Author

Don Eggspuehler lives in Dallas, Texas, where he has worked in the computer software field for many years.  He received his B.A. in International Studies from The Ohio State University, and was a Marine Corps officer, who flew bombing missions in A6-A jets in Vietnam.


Don married Linda Combs in 1975, and they had three children: Cari, Jaime and Chad.  He founded  a personnel recruiting firm, Search EDP, providing data processing professionals to many client companies for seven years, prior to beginning a twenty-five year career in computer software sales and consulting.


Don has written numerous articles for several newspapers and magazines over the years, and he wrote this memoir as a Christmas present to his children.  He is a commercial-rated pilot with multi-engine and instrument ratings, and a helicopter private license.  His hobbies include golf, tennis, traveling, home movies, and writing.