Pass the Bacon Scissors Your Eyebrows Need Cutting

Nuts on Tour Reporting

by Joanna S Kaye



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 604
ISBN : 9781449094119

About the Book

This diary of an ordinary middle aged couple tells the story of their amazing journey as they set off to travel around the world for two years on buses and trains. Finding themselves wondering why they were still in their West Yorkshire home whilst their three children were in far flung places of the world, in America, Australia and Indonesia they set off to visit them. On Friday 2nd January 2004, with no detailed plans or pre booked journeys, apart from a flight from Dublin to Atlanta in two week's time, depositing their door key back through their letter box they left everything behind, except for what they carried in their back-packs and walked to the local train station to embark on a journey of more than one hundred and nineteen thousand miles over thirteen months. It is a story of extraordinary journeys, intermingling with the daily lives of ordinary people, on ordinary buses and ordinary trains across Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, México, Central America, South America, New Zealand and Australia. It is also a story of emotional turmoil and upheaval with all the excitement, euphoria and joy mixed with the uncertainties, fears and anxieties of the travelling life and being torn between the selfish right to one's own life and that of being available for others in their time of need.

About the Author

Joanna Saxton Kaye (nee Wilkinson) is just an ordinary Yorkshire Lass born in Huddersfield in 1955. Over the years she has been mostly self-employed in many ways including beauty therapy, dress-making, laundry and dry cleaning, remedial massage and currently counselling. Now living in Silsden, West Yorkshire, she is married to Peter, a retired Master Baker they enjoy the outdoor life of walking, and the simple freedom of camping and youth hostelling. In her childhood her father had travelled on business for many years and his positive and enthusiastic attitude toward it had sown some seed of desire to travel within her. None of this has relevance to becoming an author; it had never been some burning ambition but in 2004 together they embarked on an incredible journey and they think this story is worth telling even if it is just for their own selves, family and friends.