Cotton Belt Engineer

The Life and Times of C. W. "Red" Standefer 1898-1981

by Edwin C. Cooper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/12/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449069209
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449069216
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449069193

About the Book

This is the story of a Texan. This is a TEXAS story. We spell it big here because it is a big story. A big story about a man from TEXAS. A story about a man who as a young boy saw what he wanted to do, set out to do it and accomplished his life’s ambition. The man’s name was Cecil Standefer. The events in this book primarily happened in Texas between 1898 and 1981. He struggled some; had some personal losses and he overcame them. He grew up in a time when the United States of America grew to be recognized as a world power. His part in all that was that of a railroad employee. And not just any employee as Cecil Standefer was in engine service. He was in engine service for the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company and he was in this service for 50 years. Cecil Standefer wanted to become a locomotive engineer from the very first time he ever saw a train. He achieved his life’s ambition by becoming a Cotton Belt Engineer.

About the Author

Edwin Cooper became interested in railroads and their history at a very young age. His interest in the Cotton Belt stemmed from an article about that railroad by the late Jim Boyd in Railroad Model Craftman. C. W. Standefer's youngest grandson Mark lived in the same dormitory as the author. During his first year in college at East Texas State University in Commerce, Texas the author was introduced to C. W. Standefer by Mark Standefer. Years later while writing an article for The Cotton Belt Star, a publication of the Cotton Belt Rail Historical Society, the author renewed contact with Mark Standefer and found out about C. W. Standefer's photo album. The idea for the book Cotton Belt Engineer proceeded from that point. The author operates his own consulting business in Kentucky. He consults with public housing authorities and has worked with HUD programs since 1990. The author has been married to his wife Cindy since 1977, they have four children and eight grandchildren.