11 Through 20… The Next Ten Commandments

by Don Stuck II

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/5/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781449093860
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781449093884
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781449093877

About the Book

This book outlines what the author believes to be ten important issues or concepts that merit discussion or at least some thought. Some are not new ideas by any stretch of the imagination, but may have been glossed over, over reported or covered and debated so much they may have lost their luster and are worth polishing up for a fresh roll in the brain. The others you will find enlightening if you happen to find yourself in “violation” for lack of a better word. Now with a new official title of “Commandment”, perhaps some older but still relevant concepts may be revived and repaired and the new ideas understood and accepted. Let's face it; it's tough to get a new idea across anyone these days! But when it's a commandment… well how can you say no to a commandment?


Though obviously not written by god himself, the wish is that after finishing the book you will agree that keeping 11 thru 20 in mind and executing the fundamental spirit of the script would not be a bad thing. Just like the original version! History has shown that nothing is fiercer than an aroused mind moving in the direction of positive change.


The Bible is a magnificent book and reveals itself with the wonderful vernacular of the time. Like listening to the inflection and dialect delivered by the actors from a movie shot in the 1930's, turning the pages of the bible is like eaves dropping on another time. But unlike the thirties, these days most men don't call each other “Fella” “Mac” or “Daddy-o” as often as they once did. So to have been dropped words like begat, shalt, and thou. In the interest of smooth reading and less aspirin, Don too shalt… uh… shall leave the tradition speak of the day to the titles of the commandments only, and opt for an easier more casual discussion into their meaning.

About the Author

Don Stuck II is a veteran radio and television host who has worked as a professional musician and emcee for most of his life. With his time divided equally between rock stars, celebrities and the common man, he has found the same timeless issues confront us all. From the stage as an entertainer he has a front row view of the best and worst that mankind has to offer. Combined with spending the last two decades “live on the air”, this way of life has provided a unique vantage point and given him insights into human philosophy that would be impossible to reproduce. Through interview, lecture and no nonsense story telling, Don is now sharing these thoughts and ideas in hopes of providing a path to feeling better even if you didn't feel bad in the first place! This philosopher has traded in the white robe for blue jeans and is outlining important issues, old and new, that are worth a fresh glance. Don is a licensed pilot, a published columnist and is currently host of The Stuck In The Morning Program on X103 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is also host of Now Hear This, a show dealing with community and public affairs that airs on multiple radio stations. In his spare time Don grows giant pumpkins with his largest weighing in at 718lbs to date. www.DonStuck.com