Meet the Porkers

The Amazing Race

by DeGerald A. and Crystal N. Price Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/20/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781449089641

About the Book

"The Amazing Race" is one of the many books in the Meet the Porker's series. It will make you laugh, smile as well as send a little encouragement your way. Join Oobert Porker, as he faces his own world of troubles and unfinished task. Will he get the inspiration he needs to reach his goals? Find out today as you suit up, stretch out and get ready for this Amazing Race!

About the Author

DeGerald A. Price was born in San Antonio, Texas on January 24, 1982. He and wife, Crystal, have two children together. He grew up in a low income house hold with his mother and step-father along with his three sisters. He also has an older brother and sister on his dad’s side. Due to his learning disability he didn’t do very well in school and often fell behind in classes. He has also struggled with a physical disability that didn’t allow him to participate in many activities but he didn’t let it bring his spirit down. He always tried to make the best of what he had. There were three main people who showed him a positive outlook on life. His grandpa, Arthur “Bubba” Price, was the rock of the family. His uncle, Arty Price, had inspired him to become an entrepreneur and his brother, Kweli “Pooh” Lott who has showed him even though you may get into trouble in life, you still are able to turn it around for the good.