The Nature of Centered Emotion

A Novel Approach to Self Integration

by Wanda Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/6/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781449086640
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781449086657

About the Book

This is a very interesting book, consisting of mandalas based on visualizations the author has had over the years about the nature of emotions.  Her primary underlying theme is that of integration, reconciliation of opposites, balance, wholeness, centeredness.

The author has glimpsed deeply and with great insight into the nature of psychological-spiritual centering.  She combines intuition with logic, poetry with quotations in a broth which is as warm as it is savory.  The form (manadalas) as well as the content is psychological and metaphysical in nature; this book is felt as much as it is read.

Review by Stanley Krippner PhD,

Saybrook Graduate School  Co-Author of The Mythic Path

About the Author

My experience with mandalas began when for two weeks, I was privileged to experience a wonderland of spiritual vision blended in perfect harmony with the material world.  For fourteen days I knew what it was like to view without judgment those things I would have considered to be evil.  I knew how it felt to be free of fear and worry for each moment in its self was perfection and completion.

The fifteenth morning I woke to a flat, cold, gray appearing world.  The light of my insight had been removed from my vision.  Even as I felt a great loss, I was determined to find my way back to the wonder of the clear vision that had been mysteriously given to me.

A few months later, I suffered a back injury that left me  handicapped for a year.  My search for healing reached an intense pitch.  My focus moved from my pain and disability as I began sensing symbolic light images of geometric design, which I now know are called mandalas.  I dreamed of squares becoming diamonds turning into perfect circles of white light.  I sensed the squares symbolized materialism, the diamonds relationships and the circles completion.  I spent many hours translating these dream images to geometrical symbolic drawings.  While the symbolic meaning of some of these forms were revealed to me in dreams, I became aware that I was also deeply sensing the emotions of those around me.  As I did this a template (mandala) of emotional oneness evolved revealing duality and self disapproval dominating human emotion.  The evolvement of these mandalas became a source of insight into the dualistic nature of emotion.  They progressed to show how complete acceptance of life and self opens the mind to experience a Center Grounding between heaven and earth called NOW.