From the Heart of the Bishop

The Journey

by Bishop Mary L. Guthrie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/20/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781449093716
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781449093709

About the Book

This book is about a journey of inspirational encouragement, spiritual motivation and devine hope.  This book is compiled of various writings inspired directly from the Holy Spirit to the heart of the Bishop.       

About the Author

Bishop Mary L. Guthrie is the daughter of the late Lewis & Maple Flowers.  She is the Mother of 2 wonderful children, Elder Tony R. Guthrie and First Lady Melissa A. Peck.  

She is a spirit-filled anointed Woman chosen by God.  She is a nationally renowned Speaker, Teacher and Leader.  She begin her walk with the Lord at the age of 6 years old and was gifted as a singer, choir  director, recording artist, radio and television personality and later became a Minister, Pastor and was Consecrated as Bishop.  

She had the honor of speaking at our Nations Capitol. Bishop  Mary L. Guthrie is the founder of Mercy Love Grace Christian Ministries, and also the founder of MLG Christian Academy School of Ministry, Indianapolis, IN.  She holds the office of CEO as well as an instructor at the Academy.  She has a certification in Christian Education, Spiritual Care Chaplaincy Training at the advance level and received her Honorary Doctorates in 2008.  She serves as the overseer of other Pastors locally, nationally and internationally.    She serves faithfully unto God in the ministry of which she is called.  Bishop Mary L. Guthrie is truly "A Woman of God" that preaches a powerful message  proclaiming the good news that brings forth hope, healing, deliverance and salvation.