My Fight

by Martin Bector



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/11/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781452014500
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781452014494

About the Book

My Fight is a book Martin Bector has written following the book two books he has written entitled “The Funny Fight” and “With This Devotion; I love you”. He the oldest ancestry to this land called the United States of America. He will not gather his people because of the majority rule. It makes no sense to him to gather the minority to begin a fight with the majority for correction or control. He sees the better way by bringing world peace to be a better way to democracy than freedom.

The fight for culture has just begun. The intelligence about this earth has not been recognized. The course of governing is with an area concern. The point of law was put in error as the right of the first born to bring the law to do the gathering of the people. The worship of the Coming of God began this error with the survival of the people in the identity to the cycle of this earth around the sun because the cycle of this earth about its axis was not recognized.

The intelligence about this earth is a continuing around this earth that is being insulted. The author recognized this insult. He has charted this insult. He has put this insult to backlash and lash back bringing a temporary freedom to the continuing mind around this earth to reveal the truth. Once the truth was recognized, he began to search for ways to ignore the insult as he began to search ways to stop the insult.

About the Author

The author is Native American Indian and Castilian Spanish with inheritance to Kingdoms on both sides of this earth. All the people here before the author have died and passed into dearth. The author met the Great Spirit of this side of this earth. The Great Spirit proved to the author that the Spirit of God's Love, the Holy Spirit, and the Great Spirit are the same Spirit as this earth turns about its axis. This truth can be recognized as the mind of this earth.

The ancestry of the author has not been wanted by the government. When the author was a tiny baby a pair of scissors was used to clip off the tip of the author's tongue. Cleaning acid was corkscrewed into the author's mouth and the author was thrown to the floor to stop his screaming. The author was tied spread eagle at the wrists and ankles to a crib and punished to make him move so he would out grow the paralysis. Then the author was thrown out of a speeding car on to a concert gutter. The author remembers God telling him to live.