Cynthia's Psalms

Love Notes To The King

by Cynthia C. Douglas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/26/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781456729202
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781456729219

About the Book

CYNTHIA'S PSALMS is a journal of love notes and poems inspired during a season of fasting and prayer in preparation for Cynthia's consecration into the fivefold ministry. Each day (for 40 days) after spending quiet time ( at least an hour) in His Presence, she wrote a love note to God emphasizing: Love Passion Intimacy His Lovingkindness His Majesty His Sovereignty His Royalty His Kingship His Kingdom There were times when His passionate Loving Presence overshadowed her so strongly that she could not seem to write fast enough ,getting the words from her heart, through the pen, onto the paper. Cynthia's ultimate desire is to be just as David was, " A woman after God's own heart." Loving Him with all of her heart, mind and soul, brimming over with passion, hungering and thirsting for more and more intimacy with The King!

About the Author

Cynthia Douglas is a woman of prayer and praise; one who passionately seeks not just the face , but the heart of God. She is a true worshipper indeed. She understands the power of His Presence. Relationship with God is top priority in her spiritual walk with Him. Cynthia is the founder of Women in Prayer, Inc., Jeremiah 9:17 Women's Prayer Conferences, 911 Praise &Prayer Gatherings,Thy Kingdom Come Celebration Conferences and etc. You can find her actively involved wherever praise, prayer and worship is going on. She is a worshipper on keyboard and thru song. Cynthia is a Priestly Apostle and founder of Kingdom Ambassadors International Ministries in Spartanburg,S.C. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Theology from Life Christian University in Charlotte,N.C.