"Good-Bye, Mr Patel"

by Anil Kumar



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/7/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781452055527
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781452014586

About the Book

A story of self discovery and quest for flawless vision. The author believes the modern day malaise is caused by the increasing spiritual void in us and warped thinking that has put man on the treadmill of unprincipled living and search for elusive happiness. He says 'when we clear our minds of the clutter of useless baggage, worthless information and second-hand knowledge stored to bolster our ego that is allowed to weigh upon us for no discernible reason other than to gain sense of ascendancy over others and to justify our otherwise meaningless existence, then clear spiritual highways to blissful reality open up'.

Experiences of early life of poverty forced the author to look at himself. He realized how scripted he was by the social environment in which he grew up. He craved freedom from the shackles of his social and psychological order. He chose to move away from calling himself a Patel to look at himself objectively. This introspective journey enabled him to break with his past and dismantle the shackles of unquestioned customs and beliefs to pave the way for an open mind to flourish.

This fragmentary autobiography reveals how positive interpretations of his experiences have shaped the transformation of his life and taken him to living a stress-free life.

The book title suggests that there is a Patel lurking inside each one of us who needs to be banished. This is the ego that imprisons us in an illusory world that diverts the mind from venturing into the world within where the real person resides.

The book finishes with the author's barrier-shattering principles such as "no-one owes you a favour", "the real enemy is within",  and more, which have crystallized from the crucible of daily living and paved the way for joyful living on a unique path!

About the Author

At a very young age Anil Kumar sensed conflict, physical, social and psychological, both inside and around him, and discovered a secret ally which he calls Nature that has always given him the strength to withstand adversity and courage to examine his motives and opened up pathways to solutions to supposedly insurmountable problems of daily living. He strived and has to an extent succeeded in freeing himself from his ego and the shackles of social conditioning, all of which he says was a prerequisite for him to connect to the vast amount of potential locked inside him.

An early experience in life of being a Patel forced the author to look at himself. He could not accept that he was any different from a non-Patel and realized that he was deeply scripted by his social environment. Craving freedom from the shackles of the social and psychological order surrounding him, he chose to move away from calling himself a Patel. This started the process of self discovery and quest for flawless vision, which gave him the strength to break with the past, dismantle the fetters of impractical and unquestioned customs, traditions and beliefs to pave the way for an open mind to flourish and not be doggedly attached to anything.

At the age of 20 Kumar came to the UK in 1968 from Uganda to become a chartered accountant, and in the aftermath of the 1972 expulsion of Asians from Uganda, he became an immigrant in the UK by default. In his book he has documented his experiences and how they have shaped the transformation of his life and thinking as an immigrant in the UK.

A family man, an accomplished sportsman, a director of a London brokerage firm and a trustee of a charity, Anil Kumar is a motivational and inspirational speaker who wants to give in return for what life has given him.