
The Dark Side

by S J Magall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781477207765
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781477207772
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781477207789

About the Book

Arkton leaves Wuhun carrying the body of Isadella. Laying her to rest next to her father Hewlett, Arkton vows to avenge her death. His guilt for not saving her from the evil wizard Oninzar torments his soul and his mind alienating him from those who care. Refusing to return to Martayvia, the magic realm, Morna and Mirrick have no other choice but to go to their son. Arkton’s pain is his own and he refuses to listen to their concerns. Pyra obeys Arkton’s orders not to tell anyone about the strange happenings, but the young dragon fears for his rider’s life. There are those who want Arkton dead and as much as he wishes he was, but he is not ready to die just yet. Unknown to Arkton, the voices and visions he has of Isadella are not haunting him from the dead but from the dark side. A mysterious woman seen by Arkton, Morna and Kylind, Isadella's little brother, has the answer, but who is this mystifying spirit?

About the Author

S J Magall's first book "Martayvia: Guardians of the Stone" was the first step to a passion she did not know she had: writing. Her love for the characters made "Martayvia: The Dark Side" a challenge. It was a challenge she enjoyed. Magall sometimes believes her words are just memories, they come so easily. She shares her life in New Orleans with the newest inspiration to the family Molly, a seven-month-old Lab and St. Bernard mix. The journey continues in Martayvia: Return to the Dark Side.